It’s been a worrying time for the potholes in Kampala as they have received information that KCCA is planning to fix them soon. This has caused a state of panic among the potholes, as they struggle to understand what has caused this sudden action.
“This is unprecedented,” said Kinya Solo, the biggest pothole in Najeera pothole community. “We’re used to being ignored and left to do our job of making people’s rides bumpy, and this sudden attention is causing us a lot of stress and anxiety.”
The cause of this sudden attention is currently unknown, but some experts are speculating that it could be due to complaints from the citizens. “People are tired of having their cars damaged and the city council is finally listening,” said Dr. Jane Akello, an expert on road maintenance at Makerere University.
The potholes have been doing their best to adapt to this new reality, with some even becoming deeper and wider to try and avoid being fixed. But so far, these efforts have been in vain.
“We’re at a loss for what to do,” said the oldest pothole in Rubaga on her 18th birthday. “If this continues, we may have to find new places to reside, like sidewalks or even the middle of the road in Kololo or even Nakasero. It’s a scary thought.”
Member of Parliament from central region are calling on the potholes to accept their fate and be filled. “We need to have smooth roads for the safety of all citizens,” said an MP from Kampala on condition of anonymity “The potholes have served their purpose, but now it’s time for them to go.”
When KiwaniPost talked to residents in Ntinda, Najeera and Kiwatule, several expressed relief about the project. “It’s a worrying time for the potholes in Kampala, but it’s a positive development for the citizens who will have smooth roads to drive on. This could also lead to less traffic and faster commutes.”, said Byaruhanga Felix from Najeera.
Zimway Ltd, a road maintenance company contracted by KCCA to fix potholes in the area advises potholes not to panic. “We have a strong bond with potholes spanning over 20 years, we just can not get rid of our brothers and sisters. Potholes have fed our families for generations.. the only thing they can do is wait and hope for the best.”, said Mulondo Andrew, the chief engineer at the company said.
KiwaniPost reached out for a comment from KCCA however their known numbers went unanswered. However according to unreliable sources at KCCA, a few potholes will be sacrificed fixed, citizens will be happy but assured the potholes will have the last laugh as the poor drainage will wash the murram inside the potholes away in just 24 hours.