A group of money lenders has written to the Electoral Commission today and asked them to conduct elections every year instead of holding them every 5 years claiming that that will boost the economy.
Using loans from money lenders during campaigns is an integral part of Ugandan democracy and results in a surge in profits from the interest during and after elections.
Even though the EC discourages candidates from using money to convince voters, a lot more money finds its way to the process and money lenders make profit through loans either way.
After meeting the EC, the leader of the group, Mr Banja David addressed the press gathered outside. Explaining their demands, he said ,”We are not asking for annual elections only for our benefit, we are doing it to strengthen Ugandan democracy. Ugandans complain that their elected leaders immediately disappear after the process and reappear only few months before the next round of elections. If we have annual elections then these guys will have to work for the people and in their constituency all the time.”
Furthermore, he added ,”During these seasons, whether it is Presidential, Municipality or even University guild elections, our profits go through the roof. This is beneficial for our economy as well. The more we earn, more taxes we pay, more revenue for the government. It also generates jobs, not just in our offices but also court brokers and debt collectors who help us recover our money by seizing all property of our victims clients.”
When reminded that it is very expensive to run elections every year, Mr Banja said ,”Come on, we are also responsible citizens. As part of our Corporate Social responsibility, we will fund it. In return, EC must hold elections annually or quarterly for every possible position in Uganda.”
When KiwaniPost asked an opposition MP’s opinion on annual voting, he said ,”Won’t make any difference. I am always in campaign mode all the time anyway.” while an MP from the ruling party refused to comment after suspecting our reporter to be a court broker who had come to arrest him for failure to pay back a loan he got in the last elections.